Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baking, Baking, Baking

OK,for those of you who know me, you know that I used to HATE to cook. Ryan and I almost always ate out for dinner. Then, we had a baby. Well, I had the baby, he just helped make it. After Charley arrived, our days of eating out vanished. Eating out was no simple task. As Charley has gotten older, it has become a little easier, but we would just prefer to eat at home. I soon learned that eating at home required me to actually cook. This did not mean boiling some water and adding Ramen noodles to the pot, although I have been known to do that.

I love preparing dinner for my family. I also love experimenting with new recipes. Recently I came upon the greatest recipe ever for Cinnamon Rolls. The first time I made them they made A LOT!! Ryan and I ate only a few and then I gave some to my In-Laws. I am not kidding, these are the BEST Cinnamon Rolls ever. Since the Holiday Season is upon us, I have decided to make several batches, including home-made cream cheese frosting. That's right. I don't cut any corners with these babies. They are so good, that I have decided to sell them in quantities of 6 or 12. Six of the Yummy Cinnamon Rolls will only cost you only $10.99 and twelve will cost you $15.99. The great thing about these is that they are prepared (from scratch)and then they can be frozen. You can thaw them out whenever you are ready and then bake them.

I have posted some pics of what they look like frozen and then baked. I have also included a picture of the "Cute" poem that comes with them. Of course it would be personalized with your name if you are wanting to send some as a gift. As you will see, the directions are printed on the back. Finally, I have included a picture of the entire package for you to see. I know all of you reading this think I am crazy, but I am telling you they are so good! I just have to share them with everyone! Please feel free to email if you are interested. If you live here in Springfield or the surrounding area I will deliver them to you or the recipient myself. All other orders will be shipped and arrive frozen! Please feel free to email me if you are interested!

The Poem

The Directions

Frozen Cinnamon Rolls with Frosting

Baked Cinnamon Rolls - YUMMY!

Complete Package with Cinnamon Rolls & Frosting


Unknown said...

Good Morning!
Okay - just so you know I am sitting here crying and drooling!!
School makes cinnamon rolls every Thursday morning and I think that has been one of my hardest things giving up. When I walk in every Thursday morning and smell them - AWWWW!
Now Mama - you need to learn how to make "gluten free" cinnamon rolls!
Those look heavenly!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yummy:) You are such a little entrepreneur!