Friday, February 15, 2008

Feeling Yucky & Exhausted

Unfortunatly we have a bit of sickness going on in the Wasson house. Ryan and I took Charley to the doctor yesterday only to be told that she is battling an ear infection with a touch of fever and an insanly runny nose. She was actually feeling so badly yesterday that she decided she could not even make it to her crib for her afternoon nap. After much preparation, she and her friends TT, BoBo, and Bear finally went to sleep between the bookcase and the filing cabinet in our office. How sweet! Today I have felt crummy with a scratchy throat and achy body. Hopefully Charley and I will be back to our normal selves within a few days!


Hilary said...

That is too cute! I can't believe she just crashed there. No matter how tired Z is he would never do that. I sure hope Z was not the reason you guys are so sick. He is miserable. I can't wait until it is over so we can get together again. TTYL, HIL