Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thanks Hilary!

Here are the rules: Link to the person who tagged you, mention the rules, tell six quirky, yet boring unspectacular things about yourself, tag six other bloggers by linking to them, and then go to each person's blog and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged. (I think I will just list them at the bottom and leave it at that. If they see it, great.)

6 random unspectacular things about me:

1. Those who know me know I have a Super Type A personality. I am slightly obsessive compulsive about certain things. For example, when I lock the doors at night, I have to check each door at least three times and turn the handle three times just to make sure it is locked.

2. Although I have a degree in teaching, I would really like to be a cosmetologist. I love the idea of working my own hours, making people look pretty, and chatting away countless hours. It beats booger eatin' kids.

3. I love to write. Before my little "bump in the road", I was actually enrolled at The Institute of Children's Literature. I had only written one story before I was forced to take a leave of absence. I hope to re-enroll after the first of year.

4. I love to travel...or at least pretend that I am going somewhere. I will spend countless hours on the computer researching trips. I will even go so far to pick my travel dates, book a flight, and book a hotel, just to see the final price. Of course, I never give them my credit card info. which means I never really get to go anywhere.

5. I love to have my house cleaned. I use to do it myself, but life has changed. I say if you can afford it, why waste one second of time cleaning your own house. There are people out there that will do it for you!! I have the same philosophy when it comes to mowing the yard.

6. I love spure of the moment decision making. I don't do this often because my Type A personality won't allow it. However, there is nothing better than waking up in the morning and deciding your going out of town for the day or weekend without any planning ahead. You only live once. That's my philosophy!

I tag: I'm pretty much sure everyone has been tagged.